Summon Checklist |
Summon | Objective | Progress |
Diabolos | Materia: Midnight Onyx | 281/1200 |
Doomtrain | Materia: Twilight Amethyst | 592/1200 |
Eden | Summon: Expert Summoner / Mark: 4 Marks | |
Hashmal | Materia: Desert Topaz | 668/1200 |
Leviathan | Materia: Ocean Sapphire | 593/1200 |
Pandemona | Materia: Shamrock Emerald | 569/1200 |
Phoenix | Materia: Blood Ruby | 572/1200 |
Ultima | Materia: Moon Diamond | 288/1200 |
Zodiark | Summon: All Other Zodiac / Master: 30 Decks / Pay: 500 Any Color Materia | |
Summon Group Checklist |
Group | Summons | Progress |
Earth Shaker | Brothers, Hashmal, Hecatonchier, Titan | 3/4 |
Fire Hazard | Belias, Brynhildr, Ifrit, Phoenix | 3/4 |
Holy Smitten | Alexander, Carbuncle, Ultima | 2/3 |
Poison Dagger | Cuchulainn, Doomtrain | 1/2 |
Wave Runner | Famfrit, Leviathan | 1/2 |
Zodiac Master | Adrammelech, Belias, Chaos, Cuchulainn, Exodus, Famfrit, Hashmal, Mateus, Shemhazai, Ultima, Zalera, Zeromus, Zodiark | 10/13 |
Unobtainable Summons |
The following have tasks that are not able to be completed. |
Ark | Ark's Airship: Complete 3 Locations | Defunct forum game |
Choco/Mog | Mog's Members: Create 3 Member Favorite | Defunct forum game |
Knights of the Round | Summon: 30 / Pay: 50 Each Materia / Master: knightsoftheround | Unreleased deck required |
Moomba | Kobold Treasures: Trade with the Kobolds 10 Times | Defunct forum game |
Ramuh | Summon: Sylph / Pay: 30 Yellow Materia | Unobtainable summon required |
Sylph | Slyph Gifts: Hand Out 10 Gifts | Defunct forum game |
Tonberry | Master: tonberry | Unreleased deck required |
Unobtainable Summon Groups |
Animal Lover | Cactuar, Cait Sith, Chocobo, Moomba, Tonberry | Moomba & Tonberry unobtainable |
Dark Evoker | Ark, Diabolos, Hades, Zalera, Zodiark | Ark unobtainable |
Thunder Stomper | Adrammelech, Ixion, Odin, Quezacotl, Ramuh | Ramuh unobtainable |
Wind Chaser | Choas, Choco/Mog, Pandemona, Sylph | Choco/Mog & Sylph unobtainable |